Using ChatGPT for UI/UX and Product Design.

Olivia Dumnicka
2 min readFeb 13, 2023

Let’s explore what ChatGPT is and how it can be used to enhance the design process.

So what exactly is ChatGPT?

In short, it’s an AI system that’s been trained on massive amounts of text data and can generate human-like responses. It can understand and generate text on a wide range of topics, making it a valuable resource for designers looking to stay ahead of the latest trends and techniques.

How Can ChatGPT be Used by UI/UX and Product Designers?

  1. Research and Ideation

One of the key challenges in the design process is conducting research and generating ideas. ChatGPT can be used to help us find information and gather insights on various topics, such as user behaviour, design trends, and technology advancements. This can help designers stay informed and inspire new ideas for their projects.

User behaviour for fintech app

2. Concept Validation

Before you release a design to the public, you want to make sure it’s going to meet the needs of your target audience. ChatGPT can generate sample user personas for you, allowing you to see how different users might interact with your designs and validate your concepts.

Generate User persona with ChatGPT

3. Access to Design Best Practices

Use it to gather information on design methodologies, user-centred design, and other key design concepts to stay up to date and improve your work.

Best practices for user-centered design ChatGPT

4. Design Inspiration

Use it to gather information on different design styles, color palettes, and typography.

In this example I asked for a 90’s vibe design for a website and I loved the response!

90’s design inspiration UI/UX by ChatGPT

When using ChatGPT it is important to practice different prompts to get the results that we want.

Share your tips of using ChatGPT for design purposes in comments :)



Olivia Dumnicka

Product Designer that understands marketing. Based in Berlin. Working freelance 👩‍💻 + Running creators agency -