8 Essential Tips for UI/UX Designers Using Webflow

Olivia Dumnicka
2 min readFeb 24, 2023
webflow ui/ux design essential tips

As a UI/UX designer, you know how important it is to create a website that is not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. With the rise of no-code platforms like Webflow, building a website has never been easier. I’m about to share 8 essential tips to help you create stunning websites with Webflow while providing maximum value to your users.

1. Use the “Responsive” setting to design for multiple devices:

With Webflow’s responsive setting, you can design for multiple devices at once. This is particularly useful for UI/UX designers, as it allows you to create designs that look great on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

2. Use the “Interactions” panel to add animations and micro-interactions:

Webflow’s Interactions panel allows you to create complex animations and micro-interactions without having to write any code. This can add a lot of value to your designs and make them more engaging for users.

3. Utilize the Webflow template library:

Webflow offers a library of templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs. This is a great option for UI/UX designers who need to create a website quickly but don’t want to compromise on design.

4. Use the “CMS” feature to manage dynamic content:

If you’re building a content-heavy website, use Webflow’s CMS to manage your content more efficiently. You can create custom fields, use dynamic content, and even build a blog or e-commerce site.

5. Collaborate with developers using Webflow’s “Export Code” feature:

Webflow’s “Export Code” feature allows you to export your designs as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that can be handed off to developers. This makes it easy to collaborate with developers and ensure that your designs are implemented accurately.

6. Use animations to enhance user experience:

Animations can add a layer of interactivity and delight to your website. With Webflow’s animation tool, you can easily create animations that are triggered by different user interactions.

7. Optimize your images:

Large images can slow down your website’s load time. Use Webflow’s image optimization tool to compress images without losing quality. You can also choose to lazy load images, which means they’ll only load when they’re in view.

8. Test your website:

Before launching your website, make sure to test it thoroughly. Use Webflow’s built-in testing tool to check for any broken links, browser compatibility issues, or accessibility concerns.


As a UI/UX designer with experience using Webflow, I hope these tips can help other designers create high-quality designs efficiently and effectively.



Olivia Dumnicka

Product Designer that understands marketing. Based in Berlin. Working freelance 👩‍💻 + Running creators agency - swai.social